Professor Duan's new article Content Moderation on End-to-End Encrypted Systems: A Legal Analysis
The Article analyzes new E2EE content moderation technologies in light of major federal communication statutes. The article generally finds that content moderation technologies would pass muster under these statutes. However, advanced cryptographic techniques raise multiple unsettled questions of law under the communication privacy regimes. This legal uncertainty arises not because of the ambiguous ethical nature of the technologies, but because the decades-old statutes failed to accommodate, the innovations in cryptography that enable content. To the extent that platforms are limited in their ability to moderate end-to-end encrypted content, those limits may arise not from the technology but from the law.
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The new Article "Trademarks in an Algorithmic World" by Professor Christine Haight Farley was published in the Washington Law Review
WCRO 2023Â Annual Update
As we approach the close of 2023, it is with gratitude and reflection that we share the latest insights and accomplishments from the . The past year has presented us with new challenges, as new conflicts emerge and ongoing conflicts evolve. In the face of these challenges, the WCRO has continued to serve as a critical resource for tribunals and organizations dedicated to combating impunity for atrocity crimes and to offer students unparalleled opportunities to engage in projects that advance accountability for these crimes.
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New Infojustice post “Opening statement by Brazil at the 31st WIPO CDIP Calls For Following UN Family’s Goalsâ€
New Collaboration with the Mandela Institute at Wits University Johannesburg on Copyright Law in South Africa
SCCR44 Outcomes: Steps Forward to a More Balanced Copyright System?
Newly Published Documents Summarize the Decisions From the 44th Meeting of the WIPO Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights
º£½Ç»»ÆÞ Welcomes Kara Swisher as Guest Lecturer