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ITP Changemakers in Action

The Outstanding Tech Policy Changemaker Award celebrates global leaders who have demonstrated exceptional dedication to advancing inclusive technology policy. This page highlights the ongoing impact of our award recipients, showcasing their stories, accomplishments, and the ripple effect of their work in creating a more equitable tech future. From inspiring blog reflections to news features, discover how these changemakers continue to uplift, inspire, and drive meaningful change. 

2023 Zachary Tudar

Featured Blog Post by Former Intern and º£½Ç»»ÆÞ student

By Olivia Bohart

Over the summer, I worked as an intern at Idaho National Laboratory. Also known as INL, there I was thrust into a world that I had never previously been a part of. At INL, I worked under Zach Tudor, the Associate Laboratory Director for the National and Homeland Security department. For my entire summer, 40 hours a week, I worked in his department where we focused on how we can improve our nationals critical infrastructure, specifically related to the renewable energy sector. Working there was a blessing–every day I was surrounded by the most brilliant individuals I have ever had the pleasure of meeting, and every day I was challenged to push myself to think outside of the box to help improve the world we live in. 

Once the summer was over, I returned to Washington, D.C. to continue my studies at º£½Ç»»ÆÞ–which, to my surprise–is less exciting than Idaho. In October, I was invited to Khan Institute’s 2024 Inclusive Tech Changemaker Award ceremony.  There, I had the pleasure of seeing Zach once again and honoring Ann Cleveland, the Executive Director of the UC Berkeley Center for Long-Term Cybersecurity. 

The award is given to individuals who have helped to advance inclusive global technology policy, something both Zach Tudor (who was given the award the previous year) and Ann Cleveland had done. At the ceremony, people spoke in length about everything these amazing and talented individuals have done and how hard they have worked to help cultivate this often overlooked field. As a student, being able to attend was amazing–being able to see these people who have dedicated their professional careers to this cause was an honor. As I stated previously, the field of cybersecurity is often not talked about as much as it deserves, and subsequently, it is rare to find others who are not just interested in this area of policy, but have a genuine passion to improve it. People like Ann and Zach are the reason that the field of cybersecurity is becoming what it is; that is a field of talented, driven, and compassionate talent who understands not just the importance of cybersecurity, but how to foster connection within the community. 

As a student, I want to involve myself in a field that will help me become the person I want to be, one where I am supported and pushed. This is a feeling you will find is shared amongst countless young individuals. Witnessing all the good that you can do in the field of cybersecurity, just how much of a positive impact you can have on others, and the recognition you receive, only deepens this desire. I believe that this field, while relatively new compared to others, has the potential to not just be something great, but be filled with amazing individuals. Ann, Zach, and everyone else in that room was proof of this.